Online Series
Monthly zoom conversations with individual’s fighting for social justice which explore how to create inclusive, susatinable, collaborative and thriving communities.
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Grethen Graf
How do we understand and respond to Christian Nationalism forces in our country?
Values of this Forum
- Inclusive communities, where everyone can thrive.
- Sustainable communities, which are environmentally resilient and productive.
- Collaborative/non-oppressive communities, where together we develop solutions.
- Non-violent communities, focused on peaceful solutions.
- Growth focused communities, which evolve to meet the challenges of living in a thriving democratic society.
Lynsey McMurrin, Peacekeepers
How do we integrate trauma-sensitive, equity driven, restoratively based and culturally responsive approaches into our communities?
April 21, 2025 – The Legacy of Indian Boarding Schools
Jim Bear Jacobs will share how residential Indian Boarding Schools impacted indigenous people and discuss ways we all can make reparations for the harms caused by this system of abuse.
Jim Bear Jacobs is a member of the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation, an American Indian tribe located in central Wisconsin. He has degrees in Pastoral Studies and Christian Theology and has served various churches as youth minister, adult Christian educator, and director of Men’s Ministries. Presently he is parish associate at Church of All Nations Presbyterian Church. He is a cultural facilitator in the Twin Cities and works to raise the public’s awareness of American Indian causes and injustices and the Director of Community Engagement and Racial Justice for the Minnesota Council of Churches. Additionally he is the creator and director of “Healing Minnesota Stories,” a program of the Minnesota Council of Churches dedicated to ensuring that the Native American voice is heard in areas where it has long been ignored.
May 19, 2025 – Building a Movement for Gender Justice
Grace Reardon & Monica Meyer from Gender Justice will discuss strategies for fighting for gender equity locally.
Gender Justice envisions a world where everyone can thrive regardless of their gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation. Step by step, we’re creating that world by dismantling legal, structural, and cultural barriers that contribute to gender inequity. We work to ensure that people of all genders have a meaningful right to bodily autonomy, safety, health, and opportunity.
June 16, 2025 – Seeing People with Disabilities
Kirsta Opstedal will discuss ableism and how it often makes people with disabilities invisible. She will explore what it means to be an ally to people with disabilities.
Krista oversees the development and implementation of several training curricula addressing critical needs within the disability field. She develops each series with the aim to enhance inclusivity and disability justice. With a master’s degree in public administration and over 15 years of experience in the disability sector, Krista is dedicated to creating supportive, empowering environments for individuals with disabilities.
August 18, 2025 – Impact of the Indian Welfare Act
Christy Goulet, Indigenous Legacy