Chair of Minnesota NOW’s Political Action Committee, Gordy Gustafson, filed this report from the capitol on Saturday:
That’s Gordy, obscuring himself with our Equal Marriage NOW round, at the capitol on OutFront MN’s LGBT Equality Day, April 14 2011. Photo by Anne Hobson.
“The battle cry at this time is ‘We Have Just Begun To Fight!’ which was chanted late last night and early this morning after we lost the battle to stop the State Constitutional Amendment banning marriage for same sex couples from going on the 2012 ballot on a 70 to 62 house vote…. 3 Democrats voted for the Amendment — Dittrich, Stumpf, and Koenen, and 4 Republicans voted against the Amendment — Kelly, Kriesel, Murray, and Smith. For the next 18 months there will be a campaign from the opponents of equality to vote YES with millions to potentially billions of dollars coming into the state of Minnesota from outside organizations. We have to start planning and supporting the vote NO campaign.
A discussion of this 18 month campaign will be a part of the Minnesota NOW State Board meeting agenda on June 4, 2011. We have to make history by being the first state to vote down this type of State Constitutional Amendment!”
ALL Minnesota NOW members, as well as interested friends, are welcome at our spring meeting. We convene at 10 am that day at the Minnesota Women’s Building, 550 Rice Street St Paul MN 55103. For further information, or to RSVP, please see our Facebook invitation: