Today MN NOW honors those lives who were murdered during the 2022 year. The dots on the map above are not anonymous. Please click on the image to be redirected to a map where the names of our murdered loved ones appear when a cursor is moved over a dot.
Transgender Day of Remembrance is observed annually on November 20 to draw attention to the violence endured by transgender and non-binary people and memorialize those killed and murdered. The majority of these murders are transgender women of color, which intrinsically reflects the intersection of race, gender, and class.
Minnesota NOW stands against all forms of violence. During Transgender Day of Remembrance, MN NOW speaks out against the pervasive violence against transgender and nonbinary individuals. We support individuals to live fully as the gender they identify with, in safe and secure environments.
If you’re so moved, please post a picture of your candle to your social media account with the hashtag #TDoR2022.