Mark your calendars for this Sunday’s meeting of MN NOW Racial Justice Book Club, this Saturday, Sep 19th, 7:00pm-8:30pm, for a discussion of Caste by Isabel Wilkerson.
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents is a is a challenging read. It raises emotions in all who read it and can be difficult to complete. The book challenges our understanding of how we have built our culture and our society. It asks us to reflect on how we have normalized oppressive systems and called them good. The author, Isabel Wilkerson, explores “how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system, a rigid hierarchy of human rankings”. This book will challenge you and make you angry. We hope you will experience the emotions the book raises and allow yourself to reflect on them, then join us to discuss the deep inequities of our everyday lives.
About MN NOW Racial Justice Book Club:
All are welcome to the Minnesota NOW Statewide Book Club on racial justice. This isn’t just a conversation about ending racism, it is a conversation about how we learn to live our lives without racism. If all you know is oppressive systems, all you will do is perpetuate those systems. We must learn new systems, new ways of being and acting human. This book club will challenge you to think about how you have embodied white supremacy and will invite you to explore other ways of being human.
You can register for the upcoming meeting using the link below. The meetings are free to MN NOW members. If you are not a member, a $5 contribution per registration is suggested, or $15 to become a member. All are welcome regardless of gender, gender identity, age, race, religion, choice of pet, etc.