We want to personally invite you to our Grand ERA Celebration happening NEXT THURSDAY, June 29 from 4:30 to to 7 PM at FOOD BUILDING, at 1401 Marshall St. NE, in Minneapolis!
There’ll be dignitaries, food, fun, and fascinating company in the fabulous, funky FOOD BUILDING atmosphere in the heart of northeast Minneapolis. I do hope you’ll join us.
RSVP HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/time-to-celebrate-era-tickets-659752937797
Please call your two senators NOW to urge that they vote for S.J. Res. 4, A joint resolution removing the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. You can call the Senate through the Capitol switchboard, 202-224-3121 — just ask for your senator’s office. Here is the Senate directory if you need to find our who your U.S. senators are, U.S. Senate: Senators
Even though we know that all Senate democrats will vote for the legislation, we need the votes of at least eight Republicans. Here are the Republican senators who need to be contacted. If you live in their state — be sure to tell them you vote in their state — please call now:
- Sen. Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming, 202-224-3424
- Sen. Dan Sullivan, Alaska, 202-224-3004
- Sen. Shelley Capito, West Virginia, 202-224-6472
- Sen. Thom Tillis, North Carolina, 202-224-6342
- Sen. Joni Ernst, Iowa, 202-224-3254
- Sen. Jerry Moran, Kansas, 202-224-6521
- Sen. Steve Daines, Montana, 202-224-6521
- Sen. John Barasso, Wyoming, 202-224-6641
Talking Points:
Recent polling shows overwhelming support – regardless of political party — of a constitutional guarantee of equality between women and men. Support S.J. Res. 4! Support the Equal Rights Amendment!
Nearly all developed nations have equal rights provisions in the law or their constitutions; the United States has fallen behind in assuring equal rights for all. We need equal rights in the Constitution. Vote for S.J. Res. 4!
Pervasive gender discrimination exists in American society. Discrimination is especially evident in wage disparities, sexual violence, and unequal representation in electoral politics. An Equal Rights Amendment will help to more effectively address these disparities. Vote for S.J. Res. 4!
The ERA is vital to securing equality for women and preserving democracy throughout the nation. Vote for Senate Joint Resolution 4, removing the deadline in the Equal Rights Amendment. Thank you.
Jennifer J. Raab, Hunter College President, invites you to attend a very special in-person event Speak Up For The Equal Rights Amendment!
A press conference announcing a student-led petition drive for the ERA
With Special Guests: Hon. Chuck Schumer and Hon. Carolyn Maloney
Monday, April 24
10:30 AM (ET)
Click here to RSVP
Space Limited — First come, first served
Light breakfast available beginning at 10:00 AM
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the year feminist legend Alice Paul first introduced the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in Seneca Falls seeking to codify the prohibition of sex-based discrimination in the United States Constitution. For a century lawmakers, activists and grassroots organizers have been fighting to pass the ERA and we have never been closer. While the ERA has fulfilled all Article Five requirements, the last hurdle is removing an arbitrary deadline placed upon its ratification when it successfully passed Congress in 1972. Please join Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Roosevelt House’s Eleanor Roosevelt Distinguished Leader in Residence Carolyn Maloney, and her Eva Kastan Grove Fellows as they unveil their critically important petition drive in support of the ERA. There is no deadline on equality!
The Eva Katsan Grove Fellowship is a prestigious and rigorous program that provides mentorship, professional development, and a financial award to students who are committed to public service, public policy, and human rights. The Fellowship provides students with an opportunity to learn from Grove Leaders, accomplished public policy and human rights figures who spend a semester mentoring and facilitating discussions among Grove Fellows. The Fellows work with their Grove Leader to complete a project that advances public policy and human rights locally, nationally, or globally. Projects may include, but are not limited to, drafting legislation, preparing a public policy report, and publishing a policy-related story. In addition to completing their projects, Grove Fellows gather at Roosevelt House each week to participate in discussion sessions led by a Grove Leader. Weekly discussion sessions not only give Grove Fellows an opportunity to discuss the relevant human rights and policy issues of the day, but also to network with their peers and Grove Leaders.
Crisis Pregnancy Centers are anti-abortion organizations that push biased and false medical claims on pregnant patients under the facade of providing medical care. This can delay or prevent patients from getting the real care they need. In Minnesota, CPCs outnumber abortion clinics 11 to 1 and over three million dollars in state funding each year under the Positive Abortion Alternatives statute (PAA).
On January 11 of this year, a bill was introduced into the House to change all that. If approved, the Positive Pregnancies Support Act (HF289/SF366) would shift state funding toward nonprofits who provide pregnant patients with resources and accurate medical information. The act would also ban state funding for agencies that try to persuade patients toward one birth outcome over another.
Here’s what you can do to make sure HF 289 get passed:
1. Call your legislator’s office. You can find your legislator on the MN Legislature Website. Speak with them directly or with a member of their staff, or leave them a voicemail. Keep the message short but personal.
Example: “Hello, this message is for [YOUR LEGISLATOR’S NAME]. My name is [YOUR NAME]. I’m a constituent of yours living in [YOUR CITY OR ZIP CODE]. I’m calling today to ask you to support the Positive Pregnancies Support Act, or [BILL HF289 IF LEGISLATOR IS IN THE HOUSE; SF366 IF YOUR LEGISLATOR IS IN THE SENATE]. This issue is important to me because [YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, PERSONAL STORY, AND/OR USE THE TALKING POINTS PROVIDED BY MN NOW].
2. Email your legislator.
Subject Line: Support the Positive Pregnancies Support Act (HF289/SF366)
“I’m a constituent writing to ask that you commit to supporting the Positive Pregnancies Support Act.”
“Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, Minnesota will likely become the only state that provides abortion access in the upper Midwest, yet we only have eight clinics designated as sites for abortion care! Minnesota’s reproductive health providers need the funding and freedom to support the influx of women that have already arrived seeking abortion care. We need to consolidate behind them, and I urge you to join that effort by supporting the Positive Pregnancies Support Act.”
3. Tag your legislator in social media posts. Use shared hashtags and posts with images. Selfies in particular tend to get more views and clicks.
4. Request a virtual meeting. Ask your legislator for a meeting anytime during the legislative session.
Conversion “Therapy” Ban (HF 16 and SF 23)
Why this matters: We have seen the ways in which conversion “therapy” is not therapeutic at all. In fact, these practices lead to a higher rate of suicidality. A conversion therapy ban in MN would protect children and vulnerable adults from being subjected to conversion therapy tactics.
Bill status: Passed the House floor vote and we anticipate a Senate vote soon!
MN “Repealer Bill” (HF 91 and SF 70)
Why this matters: Abortion rights are LGBTQ+ rights and it is crucial that we stand with our coalition partners in ensuring Minnesota protects bodily autonomy and reproductive choice. This will also repeal a number of unconstitutional criminal statutes including Minnesota’s anti-sodomy law which has been on the books since 1849! As we’ve seen recently, courts can change their rulings on previously considered topics, meaning that it is imperative to remove outdated statutes as soon as possible to avoid legal confusion and solidify rights for LGBTQ+ Minnesotans. Write your representatives today letting them know that you believe that these antiquated laws should be repealed.
Bill status?: Working through committees in both the House and Senate.
Trans Refuge Bill (HF 146 and SF 63)
Why this matters: We have seen 99 pieces of legislation across the country that target young people and adults from accessing the healthcare that they need. This bill would protect those seeking gender-affirming healthcare in Minnesota, as well as protect families who are searching for ways in which to support their children!
Bill status?: Passed the House Judiciary and is awaiting a second hearing the Senate Judiciary.
Action Steps:
Write to your MN House and Senate representatives today to let them know that you support this trifecta of bills and that you believe that Minnesota is a state where all LGBTQ+ people should be protected. Let your voice be heard!
Let’s set the record straight: Medication abortion is safe and effective. It’s different from Plan B. It’s not birth control.
Anti-choice groups are spreading confusion about reproductive health care as part of their campaign to pull mifepristone from the market nationwide and eliminate access to the most common method of abortion care.
We have to fight back for #mifepristone. @naralprochoiceamerica
State and Local Government Finance and Policy
Chair: Rep. Ginny Klevorn
Vice-Chair: Rep. John Huot
Thursday, March 2, 2023
8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
State Office Building, Room 10