Minnesota NOW is seeking nominations for our annual awards. Nominations should be sent to MN NOW Vice-President Cheryl Carstens at [email protected] by March 24,2025.
Feminist of the Year
The Feminist of the Year Award was established in 1984 to honor the commitment of grassroots NOW members who struggle daily toward NOW’s goals. The award is given annually to a NOW activist selected by the Minnesota NOW executive committee and is presented to one of the thousands of feminists who work on the many projects and issues which comprise our feminist agenda.
Charlotte Striebel Long Distance Runner Award
The Charlotte Striebel Long Distance Runner Award was given to Minnesota NOW in 1979 by an anonymous donor. This award is given at the state conference when it is appropriate to honor a person who has demonstrated the following qualities on behalf of women’s rights.
- Persistence and singleness of purpose over a long period of time.
- Courage in the face of adversity.
- Initiative, by serving as a forerunner in identifying and publicizing feminist issues.
- Cooperation, by serving as a driving force in coordinating the efforts of other individuals and organizations.
- Dedication, often working alone or without recognition.
The award honors former MN NOW member Charlotte Striebel for her lengthy struggle for the rights of women and girls in education and athletics. Striebel, an associate professor in mathematics at the U of M, filed suit against her daughter’s school for denying her the opportunity to compete on the boy’s team; drafted the MN law requiring equal opportunity for girls and boys in athletics; brought suit against the U of M for the process used in selecting a new president; and was the statistical expert for the U of M women faculty members and administrators who won a suit in 1989 claiming long-standing pay inequities between men and women faculty members.
You do not have to be a Minnesota NOW member to receive this award.
Past award winners are listed here: Award Recipients MN NOW