Minnesota NOW is proud to welcome NOW member and our state’s First District Representative Tim Walz to speak at our 40th Anniversary State Conference.
Rep. Walz has represented the 1st District since 2006. A retired Command Sergeant Major in the Army National Guard, Rep. Walz is the highest ranking enlisted soldier ever to serve in Congress. As such, his voice was an impassioned, reasoned, and absolutely essential one in the battle to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, a policy Rep. Walz called “discriminatory” in this clip from the House floor:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_lIcP4sisE&w=480&h=390]
Rep. Walz has been a steadfast vote for civil rights in Congress, including his vote in February against an amendment that would ban all federal funding from Planned Parenthood. He’s also cast votes in support of the DREAM Act, expanding hate crime legislation to include gender identity, ensuring health care for children, and the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. We’re thrilled to hear from Rep. Walz about how we all can Move Equality Forward for the next 40 years and beyond!
REGISTER TODAY: https://www.mnnow.org/events/2011_conference.htm