…brought to you by the Minnesota Choice Coalition, of which Minnesota NOW is a proud founding member.
From their website:
You’ve heard of wearing your politics on your sleeve, but what about wearing your pro-choice politics on your entire body? Well, get excited because now you can do just that at the Minnesota Choice Coalition’s Pro-Choice Costume Party and Trivia Night at the Kitty Cat Klub on Thursday October 29th!
Now you’re probably thinking, “Whoa, that sounds really fun— but what should I wear?” Get creative! Get 27 of your friends together and come as a pack of birth control pills!Or grab a hula-hoop and a cape and come as everyone’s favorite super-hero, THE RING! Or maybe you’re more interested in sex education—come as something really scary: abstinence-only Annie!
(a brief Google search turned up this pre-made condom costume for those who aren’t crafty.)
Costumes are encouraged, but certainly not required—what’s more important is that you are there!
Here are the details:
Where: Kitty Cat Klub; 315 14th Ave SE, Minneapolis; http://www.kittycatklub.net/index.html
When: Thursday, October 29th; 6-8pm
Who: Any pro-choicers aged 21 and up
Why: Because the idea of losing our right to choose is terrifying!!! And because costumes are fun!
Cost: FREE! Happy hour drink specials from 6-7pm
Prizes will be awarded for best costume and highest trivia score. This is going to be a one-of-a-kind gathering, to be sure—hope to see you there!