If you’re like us, you’re subscribed to 7823863 different action alerts, all of which fill up your inbox with outraged calls to DEMAND one vote or another from legislators who need to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for all kinds of HORRIBLE THINGS…..and you call and you e-mail and you vent accordingly. But in all our righteous fury, we tend to forget that our allies sometimes like to hear from us, too. In fact, now is a critical time to give our support, encouragement, and to the Minnesota legislators who are speaking up so eloquently for equality. They need to hear that Minnesota NOW members are watching, listening, and fighting right beside them in spirit.
Here’s a sampling of what’s being said at the Capitol, courtesy of The Uptake:
Sen. Ron Latz, speaking out against cutting Medicaid funding for women seeking abortions:
Sen. Barb Goodwin, wondering why the state is sticking its nose into other people’s private lives:
Sen. Linda Berglin, who points out that the poorest Minnesotans can’t afford the deductibles & copays proposed in new health care bills:
And the gone-viral superstar, Sen. Steve Simon, who asked “how many gays does God have to make before we accept that he wants them around?”
It’s time to send words of gratitude to these four and the many, many others at the capitol who are fighting for justice for ALL Minnesotans at the capitol, bot just a lucky few. You can search for these folks’ contact information via this link, where you can search by legislators’ names or by their districts: http://www.leg.state.mn.us/leg/geninfo.aspx.