Operating Rules for MSP NOW
Revised March, 2020
I. Meetings
Chapter meetings shall be held at least eight (8) times a year, at such dates, times, and places as determined by the chapter board. Any number present shall constitute a quorum, except for the annual meeting at which a quorum shall consist of at least 10% of the actual chapter membership.
II. Dues
New members’ dues shall be $35. Reduced dues are available on a sliding scale from $15 to $34. Renewing members’ dues shall be determined by Central dues.
III. Officers and Board
- The officers and their duties shall be:
- The President (or Co-Presidents), who shall be the principal spokesperson(s) and administrator(s) of the chapter and manage the day-to-day affairs of the chapter between board and chapter meetings. The President shall preside at all board and chapter meetings and attend to general chapter correspondence.
- The Treasurer, who shall receive all funds of the chapter and shall deposit them in such bank as may be designated by the board, and who shall disburse the funds in accordance with the budget or vote of the membership, and who shall make written reports to the board and membership. The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining our tax status and any interactions with the IRS.
- Board Members, of which 5 – 7 may be elected to serve on the board. Additional chapter responsibilities will be shared among these members. Responsibilities may include but are not limited to: chapter operations and membership; liaising between State and National chapters; monitoring the logistical health of the chapter; member communications; coordinating the issue and/or action agendas of the chapter; event planning and coordination; member education opportunities; recruiting and retention.
A2. The officers of the chapter may redistribute various tasks assigned to them, but not the responsibility for seeing that they are completed.
- These officers shall constitute the board. The board shall meet at least 8 times a year. The/A President or a majority of the board may call board meetings.
- Vacancies.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the remaining board members shall vote on a board member to assume the office of president. Vacancies in other elected positions shall be filled by appointment by the board as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs.
- Qualifications and terms of office.
- All officers shall have been members of NOW for three (3) months prior to election. Each officer shall serve a one-year term, and no officer may serve more than five consecutive terms in the same office.
- No person may hold two offices concurrently.
- Officer’s terms shall begin on the first of the month following the meeting at which they are elected, and they shall hold that office until the next general election meeting.
IV. Committees
The Board shall have the power to appoint committees for specific purposes and dissolve them when those purposes have been fulfilled. Chairs of said committees shall be members of the chapter and shall be appointed by the board. Chairs may be board members.
V. Nominations
The chapter board shall approve an election committee at least 45 days prior to the annual meeting. The election committee shall solicit nominations for officers from the entire membership prior to the annual meeting. Nominations may also be received from the floor at the annual meeting.
VI. Elections
- The election of officers shall take place at the annual meeting, which shall be held in spring of each year.
- Elections shall be conducted by the Elections Committee. Preferential balloting shall be used if more than two persons are running for the same office.
VII. Delegates to National Conference
- Any member of the chapter who qualifies for election as a delegate/alternate to the National Conference shall be eligible to run for election. If the chapter is unable to fill all of its allotted delegate and alternate slots with chapter members, any eligible member of NOW may be elected.
- All chapter members are eligible to vote. There shall be separate ballots for delegate and alternate. Each member may cast as many ballots as there are delegate and alternate slots to be filled.
- Notice of the election of delegates and alternates shall be given as far in advance as possible. All nominations shall be from the floor. The president shall appoint at least two non-candidates to conduct nominations and elections.
VIII. Grievance Procedure
In the event of a grievance (defined as a violation of a specific NOW policy or bylaw), each side to the controversy will designate one arbitrator and these two arbitrators will select a third arbitrator. Any person who has a conflict of interest may not serve as an arbitrator. The arbitrators will conduct a private hearing on the matter at which both sides to the controversy may present their case. The grieving party shall request a specific remedy, and arbitrators shall endeavor to resolve disputes to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. Should they fail to resolve the controversy, the matter may be referred to the state NOW.
IX. Amendments to Operating Rules
- These operating rules may be amended provided that such amendments are proposed by the board or by any five (5) chapter members. Notice of proposed amendments must be given to all chapter members at least 30 days before the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be voted on.
- Amendments to these Operating Rules must be approved by 2/3 of those members present and voting.
Article X. Affirmative Action and Diversity Outreach
The chapter’s affirmative action and diversity outreach plan shall consist of the following. The chapter shall:
- Urge diverse membership in alliances with which we work
- Request membership in alliances dedicated to community diversity
- Include organizations dedicated to diverse groups on newsletter mailing lists, speakers lists, and event planning committees or task forces
- Request that organizations dedicated to diverse groups include us in their outreach
- Set specific and realistic goals for membership, participation, and leadership of a diversity that reflects the community and our issue work.