Tarryl Clark poses with current and former officers of Minnesota NOW at our State Conference, April 2012.
The Minnesota chapter of the National Organization for Women (Minnesota NOW) is thrilled that former President Bill Clinton has endorsed Tarryl Clark for the 8th Congressional district. “President Clinton sees in Tarryl Clark what we see,” says Minnesota NOW President Sarah Jane Johnston, “a proven leader who will be a true champion for women and families in Congress.”
Clark was endorsed by the National NOW Political Action Committee this spring. As a special guest at our 2012 Minnesota State & Prairie States Regional Conference in April, Clark made clear that she will fight to stop the ongoing War on Women, including the onslaught of attacks against women’s right to reproductive health care.
Clark was also endorsed by the StarTribune, Minnesota’s largest newspaper, on August 4th. “Of the three [candidates in the DFL primary], Clark alone has shown that she can operate effectively in today’s rough-and-tumble partisan lawmaking environment,” the editorial board wrote.
The incumbent, Chip Cravaack, is an unabashed supporter of the draconian Paul Ryan budget, which would devastate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and many other programs that are a lifeline for tens of millions of low- and middle-income women and their children. “We can’t afford to play politics with women’s lives,” says Minnesota NOW Vice President Barbra Peterson. “President Clinton knows that. Tarryl Clark is in the best position to beat Chip Cravaack in November, and we need a fighter like her in Congress.”