Just Passed!
On January 31, 2023, the governor signed into law the Productive Reproductive Options Act (PRO Act), which establishes the “fundamental right to reproductive freedom.” This legislation now protects the right of every Minnesotan to make decisions regarding their own reproductive health, including whether or not to obtain an abortion.
While the passing of the PRO Act is a huge win, our work is not done. Another important bill regarding reproductive rights is currently moving through the state legislature. Bill HF91 (SN91 in the Senate) would repeal standing abortion restrictions in Minnesota statutes that a state district court struck down in July 2022 (Doe v. Minnesota). Restrictions that HF91 would repeal include the following:
- Parental notification for minors seeking abortion;
- Women receiving inaccurate and unnecessary information at least 24 hours before an abortion;
- Performance of abortion only by physicians;
- The Department of Health regulating abortion facilities;
- Abortion reporting;
- Treating “infants born alive” after an attempted abortion;
- Limiting coverage of abortion under Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare; and
- Prohibiting the performance of abortion at birth centers.
These restrictions may currently be unconstitutional under court precedent, but that can be reversed in the same way that Roe v. Wade was. That’s why it’s important to solidify these wins in the form of legislation. You can help by calling up your representative today and urging them to support HF91 and SN91!