Statement by NOW President Toni Van Pelt:
WASHINGTON–Christine Blasey Ford courageously came forward about being sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh so she could tell the truth about a traumatic event. Although she should never have had to take this step, her bravery is leading the way for other women to hold Kavanaugh accountable and defend our democracy and the safety of women.
Brett Kavanaugh should not be a Supreme Court Justice. Period, end of story. As her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post, “I think you look to judges to be the arbiters of right and wrong. If they don’t have a moral code of their own to determine right from wrong, then that’s a problem.” We agree.
The National Organization for Women is calling on the White House to immediately withdraw Kavanaugh as a nominee to the highest court in our country. This is beyond politics–it is a simple matter of right and wrong.
We stand with Christine Blasey Ford. We stand with all survivors of sexual assault. Enough is enough.
Brittany T. Oliver, [email protected], 202-628-8669