Racial Justice Book Club Discussion: Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad
Email MN NOW Vice President Kathleen Murphy at mkathleenmurphy@gmail.com for the Zoom link. Our first book takes a deep dive into how white supremacy permeates […]
Minnesota NOW is a multi-issue, grassroots organization that’s been fighting for equality and justice since 1971
Email MN NOW Vice President Kathleen Murphy at mkathleenmurphy@gmail.com for the Zoom link. Our first book takes a deep dive into how white supremacy permeates […]
Email MN NOW President Mariquita Anderson at pres@mnnow.org if you need the Zoom link.
To register (free to members, $5 for non-members), go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mn-now-racial-justice-book-club-emergent-strategies-tickets-156171052823 Our second read takes us beyond how white supremacy culture dictates our lives and […]
The Minnesota NOW Board is scheduled to meet over zoom on Sat, September 25, 10am-12n.
The Minnesota NOW PAC will meet Sunday, October 17, 6-7pm over Zoom.
The LGBTQIA+ Committee will meet Monday, October 25, at 11am over Zoom.
The Minnesota NOW Board will be meeting Saturday, November 6, 10am-12n via zoom.
The LGBTQIA+ Committee will meet Monday, November 8, at 11am over Zoom.