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Run Like a Girl 5K

Como Park

Here's the thing: Women make up 51% of Minnesota’s population, but are vastly underrepresented in elected office. When women run for office, they win at […]

Domestic and Relationship Violence Workshop

Sabathani Community Center 310 E 38th St, Minneapolis, MN

Learn to prevent domestic and relationship violence for yourself, your friends, your family, and your community. This workshop will empower you to identify dangerous relationships, […]

LGBTQ Meeting

Common Roots Cafe 2558 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Salary Negotiation Workshop: (L)earn What You’re Worth!

Brookdale Library 6125 Shingle Creek Parkway, Brooklyn Center, MN

In this interactive workshop, you will learn about the gender wage gap, access tools to help you benchmark your salary and benefits, and practice negotiations […]

MN NOW Board Meeting

Brookdale Library 6125 Shingle Creek Parkway, Brooklyn Center, MN