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ERAMN Year of the Woman Kickoff

Sweeney's Saloon 96 Dale St N, St. Paul, MN

Spend the evening with ERA Minnesota as we gear up to demand the Equal Rights Amendment be put on the ballot in MN this November! […]

Minnesota Women’s March: Hear Our Voice

Union Depot 214 4th Street East, St. Paul

From a march to a movement. Join Women's March Minnesota Jan. 21, 2018 at the Union Depot in St. Paul as we move from protest […]

Roe Anniversary Rally

Minnesota State Capitol 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Boulevard, St. Paul, MN, United States

Join us at a rally to mark the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. Bring your signs and banners and meet us in Leif […]

MNxMN 2018: Beyond Resistance Conference

Harding High School 1540 6th St E, St. Paul, MN

MNxMN 2018: Beyond Resistance is a brand new social justice conference designed to bring together new and experienced activists from around the state to focus […]

Campus Sexual Assault: Responses to Changes in Federal Title IX Policy

Humphrey School of Public Affairs 301 19th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, United States

In September of 2017, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos rescinded Obama-era guidance on how colleges and universities handle sexual assaults under Title IX law. Join […]

Wine, Chocolate, and Choice

MInneapolis Event Centers 212 2nd St SE, Minneapolis, MN

womenwinning is fired up to elect pro-choice women from all political parties to all levels of public office and 2018 is going to be our […]

Missing and Murdered Indigenous People’s March

Minneapolis American Indian Center 1530 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN

March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Boys, Two Spirit and Transgender Relatives WEAR RED! Bring Banners, Posters, Staffs, Drums, Rattles