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Join us on #WomensEqualityDay August 26th #WED2020 to raise our voices with music & calls-to-action for Racial & Gender Justice, and to put Gender Equality […]

MN NOW Board Meeting

A meeting for the MN NOW Board will be held on Saturday, August 29, 2020, 10a-12n.

November Elections

The November elections are November 3, 2020. Please register to vote and request your mail-in ballot if you haven't already. Here’s a list of candidates […]

MN Valley NOW Chapter Meeting

MN Valley NOW will be meeting Wednesday, January 27, on Zoom. 6:30pm social time; 7:00pm business meeting.

Communications Committee Meeting

A meeting of the Communications Committee will occur on January 29, 2021, 10:30 am. We'll meet online.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee will meet Friday, February 12, 2021, 10:30-11:30am. We'll meet in Zoom.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is meeting Fri, Mar 5, 10:30am, via Zoom.